September 13, 2012

It happens and it's ok

With everything going on today, wars and violence there is a way to live in it. In the most recent Ensign there was a really good article on this subject. Please take the time to read it. It was very enlighting to me.

I know that even though it's not the best right now we can still live through all these things happening. God will help us and protect us. We must do as He ask though.

September 11, 2012

Importance of the Sacred Grove

What is so important about the Sacred Grove in Palymra, NY? Those who are members of the Church very well know the importace of it. It is not just a grove of trees, it is a Sacred Grove of trees. God the Father and Jesus Christ did appear to Joseph Smith. Here is an article found in the Feburary 2009 Ensign. It is about the Sacred Grove and hearing and heeding the message from it. It is entilted Hearing and Heeding the Message of the Grove.

I hope you enjoyed the article. I know that what happened there is impotant. It did happen and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church. Chirst is the head of the Church. He knows each and everyone of us. I know He lives.