July 30, 2011


I found a good video on lds.org. It is one of our Apostles Elder M. Russel Ballard talking on family. Here is the link. I hope everyone enjoys it. It is a really powerful message.

July 28, 2011

An amazing story

So I was reading the Ensign for the month of August and I came upon this really great story. I don't know a good way to describe it so I will let you read it for your self. As you read look for the hand of God in it. He was there through out this man's life in the story.

Its called The Lord Was Always There

I hope you enjoy the story.

July 21, 2011


So as missionaries we get moved about every six weeks. Some don't, some will stay in one place for up to 9 months sometimes. That is somewhat of the life of a missionary. For some people change is not easy. That is how it was with me my first time I was in an area for about 4 months. I had met many people and made friends with them. I had planted my roots in that area. So when I got the call to go to another area I was pretty devastated. It was hard for me Like I said before change is not easy for some people and it wasn't with me. I did not know what I was going to do. It was really hard at first. I was not functioning to the best of my ability. I was still trying to figure out why I got moved. As time went on I did figure out why I was moved. As I turned to the Lord for help he made the change easier for me. Now that I have been moved again it was a whole lot easier. I was not in the area as long. I did not meet that many people who I was friends with. I did meet some and I made friends with them. I think as you go on and as people go on sometimes change will be made easier or again it will be hard all depending on how you are and what you do. So as you go through change for those that it is not easy for turn to the Lord and He will make it easier for you. For those who change is easy, help make it easier on those who it is hard for. Do what ever you can to help. Talking from experience it will make the change so much easier when it comes.

July 6, 2011

Heart and now healed

So the other day I cut my finger really bad. As I was going throughout the day I was getting kinda frustrated because the finger I cut was my pointer finger and I realized how important that finger could really be. It then got me thinking how can I relate this to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is what I came up with. There are many who walk away from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (I will mention it now as the church). They go through life feeling like something is missing. Maybe feeling like something is gone. As they go through life yeah its a happy life but there is always something gone. Maybe down the road they realize that what is gone is the church. They then could start trying to come back or just keep going through life without the church. Some do choose to come back and when they do they feel complete. What was gone is now healed. I know the finger thing is kinda gross to some people but it is amazing how one thing can make you think and try to relate it to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope that this helps.