No this is not my work and my glory it is Gods. I am a missionary from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I AM A MORMON. This blog is just my thoughts. Please go ahead and leave your comments.
July 6, 2011
Heart and now healed
So the other day I cut my finger really bad. As I was going throughout the day I was getting kinda frustrated because the finger I cut was my pointer finger and I realized how important that finger could really be. It then got me thinking how can I relate this to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is what I came up with. There are many who walk away from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (I will mention it now as the church). They go through life feeling like something is missing. Maybe feeling like something is gone. As they go through life yeah its a happy life but there is always something gone. Maybe down the road they realize that what is gone is the church. They then could start trying to come back or just keep going through life without the church. Some do choose to come back and when they do they feel complete. What was gone is now healed. I know the finger thing is kinda gross to some people but it is amazing how one thing can make you think and try to relate it to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope that this helps.