Many people say and even I have said it. Why is this so hard? Well because we make it harder than it has to. I know with me that most of the things I have asked that I have made them harder than they have been. I remember when I would get on the roof and help my dad with our air conditioner and I didn't understand it he would tell me you are making this harder than it seems. As I learned to listen to him and figure it out I realized that it really wasn't that hard it was easy. Well that is how it is with the Savior. We go through hard times in our life and ask why is it so hard. The is a scripture in Matthew Chapter 11 the last 3 verses 28-30. This scripture has really stuck out to me lately and I know that if you take the time to read it it will help you when you are going through hard times. It says...
27 All
a are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither
b any man the Father, save the Son,
c he to whomsoever the Son will
d him. 28 ¶
a unto me, all
ye that
b and are heavy laden, and I will give you
29 Take my
a upon you, and
b of me; for I am
c and
d in
e: and ye shall find
f unto your souls.
30 For my yoke
is a, and my burden is light.
The last verse says it all I know that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. I have seen it in my life just recently. His love for all of us in amazing and I know that He loves all of us. So next time you what to ask yourself why is my life so hard remember this scripture.