There is always perspectives in life. Someone has this one someone has that one. There is also perspectives about life. Here is a story of how the Book of Mormon changes a mans perspective on life.
The Book of Mormon can do this. I have seen people in the worst spot possible in their life and we ask them to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and their life changes. It is an amazing thing to watch happen. I know it can happen with any one. So if you are not reading the Book of Mormon read it and pray about it and receive your answer for yourself. If you have read the Book of Mormon great, hopefully you have prayed and received your answer. The key though is to pray sincerely and with real intent. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and it has helped me greatly in my life. I know it can do the same thing for you. So please read the Book of Mormon and come to know for yourself that it is true.