No this is not my work and my glory it is Gods. I am a missionary from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I AM A MORMON. This blog is just my thoughts. Please go ahead and leave your comments.
August 9, 2012
Justice and Mercy
Justice and Mercy. Always with each other it seems. You have justice. You get what is right. Then when things don't go the way you planned or wanted you ask for mercy. President Boyd K. Packer president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles give a good analogy.
I love this video. It is a good portrayal of justice and mercy. It puts in to perspective how they both can be satisfied. At the end the mediator says "it won't be easy, but it will be possible". This is true why because the mediator is Jesus Christ. We came here so we could return to live with Him. This life is not easy. There are always hard things placed before us but He is always there to be that Mediator for us. I know that He will always be there for us. He loves us that much. He came and did what He did so He could become that Mediator for us all. There is always a way. There is the Word of God found in the holy scriptures. There is attending church. There is the Atonement. The Atonement was done for us like I said before so He can and could become the Mediator for us.