One of the major things that we here a lot about in the Church is faith. So why is it so important? It is important because it is one of the things the Church is built on. You have faith the sun is going to come up. You have faith that you will wake up in the morning. Hey you never know you always hear about people dying in their sleep. You have faith that Jesus Christ lived. So yeah you get the idea. Faith is extremely important to us as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
21And now as I said concerning faith—afaith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye bhope for things which are cnot seen, which are true.
This scripture found in the book of Alma chapter 32 says what I was saying before. I really like the phrase in it and it sums it all up perfectly. Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things. I have faith the Jesus Christ lived and He did perform the miracles that He did. He did live and die for us. I also have faith that He will come again.