April 14, 2011


What is joy. It is happiness. I have decided not to use a scripture this time. I will just talk about joy and what I think it is. Like I said before joy is happiness. It is its own kind of happiness thought. Joy is when you get new things and you are excited about that. Lets say a book. Getting a new book can bring you joy because you have been waiting for it for months now because it is in a series and the author decided to make the series into four books. You don't know when it is coming out but you keep waiting. Then you leave for a number of years for some reason or another and you have to wait just a little bit longer. Lets say you are waiting for a new game to come out. You beat the last one in a series, but when the new one comes out you won't be able to get it because you are gone for a certain number of  years for some reason or another. When you get home thought you will be able to get it and the waiting will bring great joy. Lets see what else about joy. I guess just think of things that have brought you joy in the past that you can remember and just remember that. Next time when something good happens to you and joy comes it is because you are experiencing a type happiness.