So I have had this hymn going through my head the last couple of days. So I thought I would write about it today. The hymn is called Did You Think to Pray? I don't remember when it started going through my head but I remember sitting down one night and humming some lines from the hymn. I said to myself hey I have been humming this song for the last couple of days. It was going through my head this morning to so here I am writing about it. I want to focus on the chorus of the song since this is the part I have been humming the most. It reads
Oh, how praying rests the weary!
Prayer will change the night to day.
So, when life gets dark and dreary,
Don’t forget to pray.
This is one of my favorite parts of the hymn. Praying does rest the weary it can help when you are feeling weary. If something is going on and you are having a bad day pray because it will not make you weary anymore since nothing will be on your shoulders at that time. The next line is not in a literal since. Your day could be as night. When you pray you will feel better and next thing you know it will be day to you. The next two lines go together. When your life starts becoming crappy for what ever reason that day remember these two lines and pray. Prayer can help you at any time. So when you need to pray say a quick one in your heart if you can't go find a peaceful place or if you can go to a peaceful place go there and pray.