August 2, 2012


So earlier today I was meeting with someone and they asked what is conversion. So we took them to the Bible Dictionary under conversion and the very first line says this.... Denotes changing one’s views, in a conscious acceptance of the will of God .
So you change your life. Good. The key here though is it is a conscious effort. In other words you have the free will to have that conversion. For example you want to buy something you have wanted for a while. Someone goes up to you and says here buy it now you have to, they then take you to the check outline and make you purchase it. So they have now taken away your free will. Now on the other hand. No one is there and you have come to the decision on your own to purchase this item you have been debating for a while now to buy. You have your free will to buy it. So it's not the greatest example but hopefully you get the idea.

You always have the choice to have that full conversion. No one will take it away from you. There are many ways to have this conversion. They are simple also. Read the scriptures, the Bible and the Book of Mormon, pray, attend church. There are many others. As you do this your conversion will come.